Photo by Lord Baxley

Experienced BWCA Paddlers Respond to New Food Storage Rule

The response from the paddling community to the Forest Service order requiring all visitors to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness to hang their food from trees or use an expensive container to store their food was swift and widespread this week.

According to the order, “In effect March 1-November 30 each year, except while being prepared, consumed, or under on-site visual observance, all food, food containers, scented items (such as soap, lip balm, toothpaste) and refuse shall be suspended at least 12 feet above the surface of the ground and not less than 6 feet horizontally from the trunk of a tree, or stored in an Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee certified bear resistant container.”

The order does not specify when the food must be hung, meaning that the food bag should never be left alone. This includes while portaging, as it does not say otherwise in the order.

Blue bear barrels commonly used across the BWCA are not on the list of containers that meet the requirements under the new order, meaning they must be hung from trees if they contain food.

The food storage order is the result of increases in human-bear interactions with negative outcomes, according to the Forest Service.

The Forest Service says that, “Any violation of this prohibition is punishable as a Class B misdemeanor by a fine of not more than $5,000 for individuals and $10,000 for organizations, or by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or both.”

The Forest Service sent a press release May 6 on this topic. Included in the press release is the following statement: “Our goal initially is to highlight the importance of all of us doing our due diligence to keep wildlife from becoming habituated. Except for gross violations or repeated violations, we intend to issue warnings for the first year of the order.”

The term “gross violations” is a subjective term, which means you may or may not be fined or imprisoned based on any number of circumstances.

Paddle and Portage spoke with a number of experienced BWCA paddlers this week about their reaction to the new rule regarding food storage.